预计今年将会是英国由2007年起楼市最畅旺的一年,估计今年的成交额高达4610亿英镑,比2020年多出近46%。这个现象是基于多项因素,例如印花税假期优惠延长、政府通过的高额度借贷计划和换楼人士基于现况由「小换大」。 市场估计楼市和楼价最炽热的城市依然延续上年的走势以北部城市为主,例如英国的西北部。 Value of UK house sales forecast to leap 46% this year as boom continues Property market on course for its busiest year since 2007, as new data defies expectations in ‘race for space’ The total value of homes sold in the UK is expected to reach £461bn this year, a jump of 46% on 2020, indicating the current h...