
Savills表示,随着利率下降,英国楼价将在 2025 年恢復成长

Savills表示,随着利率下降,英国楼价将在 2025 年恢復成长

第一太平戴维斯Savills表示,随着利率下降,英国楼价将在 2025 年恢復成长 第一太平戴维斯 Savills 预计英国央行将于2024年下半年开始降息,年底基准利率从目前的5.25%降至4.75%。预测2027 年利率将降至1.75%。Savills预计2025 年房价将恢復3.5% 的上升,2026 年升至5%,2027 年升至6.5%,2028 年上升5%。https://w...

Manchester has the best performance of the rental market in UK, 15.6% annual change in rents.

Manchester has the best performance of the rental market in UK, 15.6% annual change in rents.

There are many reasons to invest in the UK property market, but as an overseas investor, there are some key advantages that make the UK an attractive investment destination. First and foremost, the UK...

买美股好定系买海外楼好 (拜登放水篇)

买美股好定系买海外楼好 (拜登放水篇)

Source: Biden Outlines $1.9 Trillion Spending Package to Combat Virus and Downturn https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/14/business/economy/biden-economy.html 自2020年新冠肺炎疫情,无论港股或是美股经过短暂的灾难式暴跌后,开始报復式反弹,今日...
